
Scheduling made easy at Biennale de Lyon

Monday, December 23, 2019

Lyon Contemporrary Art Biennale started using #DIESE for its staff scheduling in 2019

One of Lyon’s most iconic cultural events has implemented #DIESE to schedule activities and employees in many venues across the city.

Unlike its name suggests, Biennale de Lyon never stops. Programmes are offered to the public every year, alternatively dedicated to contemporary art and to dance. Performances and encounters take place in many venues across France’s second biggest city.

As its 15th edition dedicated to contemporary art comes to an end, Biennale de Lyon completes its implementation of #DIESE staff scheduling tool. The priority was given to attendants, night watchmen and front-of-house staff. These people are now scheduled in #DIESE, and can view, confirm and comment their schedule in #DIESE employee mobile portal: myDiese.

The integrated system enables the administration to receive direct and reliable information about hours worked as well as already calculated payroll elements.

Coming up in 2020 with next edition dedicated to dance, the Biennale’s general planning – including artistic events and activities – will be entirely entered in the software. The scheduling of employees will also be taken further, with the permanent staff using myDiese to fill in their own schedule.

[Photo Sam Keogh]